Saturday, August 14, 2010


Attached is the District Discipline Matrix. We pretty much follow it to a T, so become familiar with it. We have Saturday School that teachers can assign (form attached), but please try to use consequences that can be enforced during the school day as your first line of defense. We have a HUGE number of suspensions of kids who fail to do Saturday School. Teachers are also allowed to assign In School Suspension (ISSP), but you need to go through the team to ensure that there are not too many kids in In-House. Each team is allotted 2 slots. I have also attached a referral form. This is used when a student needs disciplinary action that would result in suspension. The procedure is to send the referral to the grade appropriate vice principal. Unless it is a severe issue, please do not send the student. The vice principal will work the referral and put a copy in your box. We keep a DNA calendar (Do Not Admit) with our Outlook Calendar. I will show you how to access it.

1 comment:

  1. We also have peer mediation at Taft. It can be used to address issues between students before they get to the referral stage. To refer students for peer mediation, you can come by the couneslors office to get a referral form, or they are on the portal once you become familiar with that. Also keep in mind the counselors are available to help you with concerns or issues with your students on a one to one basis. Just shot us a line or come visit with us.
